Taking A Closer Look At Hynosis In Psychiatry As A Potential Client

11 November 2015
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When you think about hypnosis, you may conjure up images of what you have seen in the movies, or you may even recollect the time you saw a stage full of guests hypnotized on a favorite talk show and coerced into all kinds of silliness. However, in real life hypnosis is a much more serious form of psychiatric treatment. Even though hypnotherapy is not usually accepted as a sole form of treatment by many professionals in the field of psychology, it has been considered a functional form of supportive therapy since 1993, and even before that for many therapists. Read More 

It Is Never To Late To Change: Couples Counseling For Seniors

6 November 2015
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Marriage issues can strike at any point in a relationship. Issues and concerns will wax and wane throughout a marriage and conflicts will change as a relationship grows. Issues that affect the newly marriage will be replaced by issues of parenting and learning to live together as a family. Even couples who have beat the odds and shared a long and happy marriage can find themselves struggling as life brings about changes. Read More 

My Child Stopped Talking To Me: Here’s What To Do

27 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

You might have a great relationship with your child, but there may then be a point where your child suddenly stops talking to you. You may think that you have done something wrong and that your child will cheer up. But there may be other surprising reasons why your child is not talking to you. Don't Take It Personally The first step is to not take the situation personally. If you take it personally and act very upset or offended, this will make your child even less willing to talk to you. Read More 

Helping Your Child Who Is Showing Signs Of OCD: What You Can Do

23 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

As a parent, you always want to do everything in your power to ensure that your child is as happy and healthy as possible. That health you try to promote is both mental and physical, of course. As such, when you notice that your child is showing possible signs of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), you are likely concerned and unsure of how to proceed. In order to be sure that your child's OCD symptoms do not become a colossal hindrance in their lives, get to know some of the ways that you can help your child overcome their OCD. Read More 

When Your Teen Needs Urgent Psychiatric Help

23 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

While teenagers can be difficult to control, if your teen is engaging in certain behaviors, it may be necessary to have your teen committed to a psychiatric hospital. Manic episodes, hallucinations and uncontrollable rage are all justifiable reasons that you can have your teen hospitalized. There are several steps you must take to have your teen placed in a mental clinic. Call 911 If Your Teen Is Placing Him Or Herself In Imminent Danger  Read More