What To Look For In ADHD Treatment

31 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog


ADHD is considered a type of neurodivergence, which means it's caused by differences in the structure and function of a person's brain. There is a genetic component to ADHD, as people with this condition are more likely to have children who experience it. There's nothing wrong with having ADHD, but its symptoms can make it difficult to function optimally. ADHD treatment services can help people with ADHD overcome these specific challenges. Here are some things you should look for when seeking ADHD treatment:

1. A Doctor Who Understands Your Situation

To get the help you need, you first require an ADHD diagnosis. Most people are diagnosed as children, but ADHD can go undiagnosed for a lifetime, especially if the person in question develops masking and coping mechanisms. Adults are less likely to be diagnosed, especially if they're women. However, if you think you have ADHD, you should find a mental health professional who can evaluate you. If you're female, finding a doctor who understands the way ADHD manifests in women can be particularly beneficial.

2. Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy is a useful intervention for ADHD patients of any age. Young children with ADHD can benefit from pure behavioral therapy, which will address the way children behave in everyday situations. Behavioral therapy strives to modify unhelpful behaviors, such as talking during class or ignoring parents' and teachers' instructions. Adults with ADHD can benefit from a modified type of behavioral therapy called cognitive-behavioral therapy. While behavioral therapy strives to modify a child's actions, CBT encourages adults to self-regulate their behavior by changing their thoughts.

3. Medication

Medication can be an important component of ADHD management. The medications used to help ADHD patients are stimulants, which may seem counterproductive. However, instead of making a person more restless, stimulants can help someone with ADHD calm down and focus. An enhanced degree of focus can help people with ADHD complete their work, which can reduce anxiety and overall stress. Medication is available in both rapid-release and delayed-release varieties. A psychiatrist can prescribe and adjust your medication dosage until you find the one that works for you.

4. Evolving Treatment

Your needs may not remain consistent over time. As your life circumstances change, you may find that you need more or less support. A good ADHD treatment will change with you. Your counselor should be open to meeting more or less often, depending on your current mental health requirements.